
2024 Milan CPHI Booth No: 4F54

       CPHI, the world’s largest pharmaceutical event covering the entire supply chain from raw materials and finished dosage to equipment, biology and packaging, will return to Fiera Milano from 8 to 10 October 2024.
       The exhibition, organized by Informa, will take place in Milan for the second time in three years to showcase the region’s vital pharmaceutical ingredients and manufacturing industries.
        Italy is one of Europe’s largest producers and exporters of pharmaceutical raw materials – around 85% of exports go to North America, the EU and Japan – and the Milan region is the center of its production base. In fact, there are more than 50 sites in the Lombardy region alone.
       Organizers expect the 2024 event to attract record attendance, with large numbers of international visitors and a rapidly growing number of visitors from Asia’s major pharmaceutical hubs.
        Roberto Foresti, Deputy CEO of Fiera Milano, commented: “Fiera Milano is an ideal location for global events such as CPHI, and Lombardy is a leading location for pharmaceutical production… Milan is a city with world-class infrastructure and excellent transport links. connections with countries in Europe, Asia and North America. This is why Fiera Milano continues to attract major international events.”
        “We are delighted to return to Fiera Milano as Italy and the Lombardy region are widely regarded as one of Europe’s leading pharmaceutical centers. There are few places in the world with such depth and breadth of local and regional talent. The large number of international players and combining this with information about local and regional production, I am pleased to reunite CPHI, the heart of the pharmaceutical industry, with the Milan industry,” said Adam Andersen, executive vice president of Informa Pharmaceuticals.

Post time: Jul-16-2024